You Can't Comp This: NBA Trading Card Podcast

Episode 138: Ryan from Gem Rate:

Russell Gibson Ryan Stuczynski Gemrate Season 1 Episode 138

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Episode 138 Ryan from  GemRate joins us this week for his third appearance, and it's great to catch up with Ryan again and gain his expert insights into the hobby.  

This week we open up talking about Knicks fans vs Brooklyn fans,
- Celebrate GemRate having 1 million cards in their directory
- What does Gem Mint mean vs PSA 10 and BGS 9.5 
- Ryan provides a live  demo and a practical example of when you would use this search feature.
- Ryan highlights the Presentations insert from NBA Hoops
-  And finally All star stats to guide your hobby values

Listen to us live on Thursday's 10am to Noon Eastern time to hear the show threaded in with some delicious tunes.

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Ryan _ GemRate

Welcome everybody to episode 138 of the you can't comp this and Nba Podcast and I should say welcome to the show to our listeners and all all of our podcast platforms and our friends at central coast radio. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on what part of the world that you were in or if you're catching the late night replay thank you so much for listening if you are wanting to listen to us on central coast radio we are on at ten zero a m to noon australian time. And a big big hello to Adam who's taking some well-deserved r and r this week hope you're doing better mate and hope your family is getting better too. So this week. We have a very very special guest coming on board and it is Ryan from jem rate and he is live from Brooklyn Ryan.

Ryan _ GemRate
Doing Well thank you for having me on. It's always a pleasure it was it was better I Love the last one in person you know this is nice still to connect. But you know I'm looking forward to the next time you're out here.

How are you today bus.

I'm feeling a little bit. Yeah yeah look I was actually just thinking to myself looking at your surroundings I remember being in your office last time I'm feeling a little bit Brooklyn. Homesick as though I think it's the appropriate way to say so ah actually the last time we spoke I was in Brooklyn I was with you and that was fantastic. So thank you for hosting me, you were a fantastic host and I've actually talked my wife into the future of living in Brooklyn for one month a year so I cannot wait to get back there man, it's.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, of course.

I love that city. it's yeah it's awesome hey really quickly. Why does no one go to the basketball in Brooklyn but New York is just the mecca. It's that I cannot unpack in my head. It's literally 10 train stops away and it's.

Ryan _ GemRate
I Look forward to that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, yeah.

Night and day when it comes to the the culture of the 2 teams.

Ryan _ GemRate
Just doesn't have sort of the following I mean you know the the the Brooklyn team is the Jersey team and it just never really, it hasn't really translated and so it's just you know and it's a beautiful arena and it's ah it's a good location. You know it's easy to get to. You know we went to the game and as obviously like a.

Like yeah, beautiful. Yeah, the location's really good. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Complete difference of getting tickets to that game versus trying to get tickets to dicks game. It's just a completely different following. It's ah it's wild. But I mean it's nice. It's much easier when not the cabs are in town to go watch him play in Brooklyn than it is to try to I I don't remember if I've ever shared it with you but the only time I tried to go to a Knicks game first to calves I got um.

Yeah, yeah, wild.


Ryan _ GemRate
You know scammed I bought a fake ticket and it was like not cheap either. So I'm a little like ah just cautious more cautious about going to Knicks games in general too for whatever reason it's just ah, it's a different environment over there.

Yeah, right I use Stubhub just because I can't be bother dealing with all the scalpers and stuff like that. That's just too much for me. Yeah, hey actually interesting about Knicks fans. We went to Washington at the tail end of our holiday.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, ah yeah.

And Washington is not a popular like team to go and see right? So the play that I was doing was buying last minute tickets because people dump tickets right before tipoff anything that hasn't been sold pretty much gets discounted like up to 75% like it's a really big discount.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? right.

And then I was sitting there I was actually in the taxi trying to buy my ticket and there was just nothing and they're all just actually disappearing in front of my eyes. So in the end I was just sort of panic bought and I bought something literally at the second to third last back row right? at the very top when I got there. The whole thing was sold out with Knicks fans. There was about 70% of the place was Knicks fans and by the end of it because it was the wizards and Jordan Poole was doing jordan pool things all the wizards fans are left and it was just Knicks fans left as having like the time of their life. There. So it was a really weird.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, ah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, wild right.

Ryan _ GemRate
Are you are you still? ah on the coolabali bandwagon at all I know you were kind of keeping an eye on him we because we saw the wizards when you were in in Brooklyn.


Look I I mean look I not going to lie to you I haven't been watching every single wizards game like they are like for me a pretty. They're a pretty tough watch this year to be honest and I'm still spewing about that Rui Hatchimora trade you can't tell me that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, what? ah.

Hadchiura would be perfect for that team right now a young big body to you know play some deep d you know that's just me crazy thought look I think it's pretty obvious when you watch that team Denny Ajava is like actually playing hard trying to do the right thing out there.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate

And then like what is cooler ballet doing wrong. Why isn't he getting you know a bit more time in saying that Jordan pool's actually coming off the bench now. So I think they've they've had enough of the you know the Jordan pool experiment the the funny thing about that though is. He's going to be stuck on that team and who's going to want to take that contract. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
That's wild. Well, it's wild. The Jordan pull story is crazy I mean it shows you though? What it I mean I think about this all the time just like the alternate universes of like players who land in scenarios that are just unfortunate and like or amazing for them. You know and it's just like.

Clear. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Jordan Poole landed in a spot where he got to learn from the best for you know a few years and was in a great system where he flourished and you know basically helped the team secure a championship which is amazing and then throw him in his own where he's got to you know have a different sort of role and it's just a complete flop and like all the good things he learned and sort of were.


Ryan _ GemRate
All the guardrails that were in place sort of you know are no longer there and it's just a completely different player and it's just like how many people in the Nba you know and especially in a sport where you get drafted and you're sort of with the team for 7 years a lot of times because of the money and it's just like you know it's just like who knows maybe Kate's a completely different player in a different system.

Yeah, definitely.

Yeah, definitely what.

Ryan _ GemRate
You know or like you know the wiseman story is like ah Wiseman's the opposite example of like a system that was so good but not catering at all to where he was in his career or like you know, even coming. Anyways, it's just wild to think about like how much random kants plays and sort of like your potential.

So I think the wiseman and the pool thing is it's the same thing. It's an opportunity and I've said this and I feel like we almost need to coin a catchphrase for this It's an opportunity league. So the Jordan pool thing is the perfect opportunity for him and then the wiseman thing is the. They couldn't have put that guy into a worse situation like that guy needs picking rolls. He needs posts post-ups they never run those sets in golden state and defensively. He had no idea what he was doing so there's no way Kerr was going to play him like that never made sense the funny one there is on lameow ball. They could have drafted hume instead of wiseman.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, right.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? um.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, right right? right? right.

And how sick would have that been to and they could have rolled them out at the same time Clay Steph and lamalo that would have been really cool. But I think just 1 more thing on this before we move on I've been saying for so long now that Steph Curry is one of the leaders of our generation and.

Ryan _ GemRate

It's not going to get any traction. He's a very quiet guy but you think about the leadership that he's actually provided almost to the league I would I and make that argument and I think Jordan pool in some ways is going to be his legacy because you can see the difference between the 2 teams and and what the outcomes are and.

Ryan _ GemRate

For me like the direct the thing in the middle of that sort of graph is is Steph Curry like at same as draymond can you imagine if draymond didn't have a sensible hard headed wise person like Steph Curry around to keep him on under control like he would. He'd probably be out of the league by now.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, ah right now you're completely right? and.

Ah, and all right? Let's um, let's get down to basketball cards. We I think we've um, we've segwayed enough already haven't we man. So let's really quickly just introduce I'll let you introduce yourself and just tell us about your company in case, there are some listeners that haven't heard.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, sorry it's all relevant.

This is your third time on the show. Actually so yeah and.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so very briefly. Yeah Jim. We've been around for almost three and a half years now we're best known for sort of like the weekly and month month mostly the monthly reporting that we do. That's sort of the stuff that gets sort of shared the most throughout the hobby which is we're just side sort of. Um, synthesizing sort of the big picture trends in the hobby from the grading companies and so how many cards or psa you know see Sgc Beckett at cgc how many ah cards are degrading each month and how does that break down where is there sort of momentum within that space. You know where companies sort of losing momentum. That's kind of what we're. Best known for and then behind the scenes we do a lot of data work which we're just starting to start really window more aggressively to the to the hobby which is around like actually sort of taking the pop reports that are in place but sort of just repackage them in a way that you know people are they're more user friendly like I think everybody's aware like pop reports have sort of. Not really been getting a ton of investment from the the grading companies themselves. They're good enough most of the times but you got to struggle through them. We're just trying to make it a lot more user friendly and so we've we've recently rolled out some new features which we can talk about but um. Yeah, that's kind of what we're best known for is just like all the data related to grading. We're just trying to help people understand it and you know make better use of it.

Yeah, definitely and so you do have a slight data point to celebrate recently. You just got to 1000000 cards in your database. So why don't you tell people why that's important and why it's worth celebrating. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, it's funny somebody who I talked to who's not in the hobby but I was trying to explain to her like yeah we hit a million card threshold which like basically doesn't mean much unless you're in this hobby and even then it really doesn't mean much but the million cards is basically how many cards we've gone through the process of. Unifying across degrading companies. So when you come to and we have a new search feature where you can just quickly look up and understand the population for any single card in the hobby. But there's a million there's one point one million now at this stage where we can give you back the company across all grading companies I mean across all the grading companies at one view. And so if you wanted to look up the 1980 you know the 1980 bird and magic. We can give you back the data for all the grading companies and that's a hard one because each of the grading companies listed completely different like if you were to go each one of their pop reports. They don't use the same conventions at all or if you wanted to come look at more modern stuff ultramodern stuff and you wanted to look at like 2023 prism.

Um, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Could come and look at the wemby stuff and see hey how is this being you know who's grading this where are they grading it. What is the gem rate most important thing that people look at the data for today is understand like the nuance of like how are these cards. How are they faring at the different grading companies especially for like ultramodern stuff that's being graded at high volume so that's like that million cards is sort of the. Support and the the infrastructure for us being able to provide that data to the hobby.

So I think now is also a really good time just to sort of take a bit take a breath and also take a step back because we've actually gained a couple of new listeners to the show and I've had some messages from people saying what is a comp. So.

Ryan _ GemRate
The the.

Why don't we just take a step back now and talk about mint and near mint because the question actually I've got for you is because I was looking at through your tables the other day on the total pop on the total pop reports and it doesn't actually have PA 10 at the top or bgs 10 at the top. It's got mint and near mint. So can you explain that.

Ryan _ GemRate

To me and can you explain that to the listeners. What Actually what that means because and I'm saying this from a very simplistic point of view in my head. It's easier just to look at the number and go 10 Everyone understand what 10 mean but you have chosen not to do that. So maybe. Yeah, has a really good time to sort of break that down a little bit.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah I think so the reason I'll come back to why we do what we're doing. But yeah I mean so not not every company obviously has the same grading scale just as a quick background to this. You know as psa is best known for the psa 10 which is their gem mint but you know Beckett 5

Yeah, please. Yeah, yeah yeah I.

Ryan _ GemRate
Seven ten years ago was sort of considered the leader in the hobby and they opted for a 9 5 being their gem mint score and so a lot of the companies that have emerged over the last you know 5 years sort of saw Beckett when they were sort of thinking about how do we want to go to market that could seem pretty differentiated people like the subgrades.

Yeah, right.

Ryan _ GemRate
And so there was a lot of momentum towards that and so not everybody has the same scale and not everybody sort of has the same standards and so you know in theory a bgs nine five which is their gem mint should compare roughly to a Ps a 10 gem mint and a sg c ten gem mint cgc csg. To market with a nine five but because the market was changing and they quickly reacted it said we're going to scrap this. We're going to go to ah a 10 as a gem mint skill as well and so it's just it's not uniform across the hobby and so what we're trying to do with the universal pop report is make that simple for people and so instead of putting the grades up there which do not if you were to look at that chart and I said. Next to the gem mink grade I had each one of the grading company's grades. There. It would just start to cause a little bit of like confusion and so we've just opted to say like to like we're going to put all the gem mint scores in 1 column because we're going to take away the work of you having to sort of think about. Okay, this is a bgs 9 5 and this is a psa tend. We're just telling you. These are the highest graded cards. But we're going to group them together. We're going to do the same for mint and so on.

Yeah, right Actually that makes a lot of sense. You've simplified it for us and you said to take the thinking out of it for people I feel like that's a real catchphrase at the moment for people isn't it people want you to make almost the decision for them. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Well I mean I'm big subscriber to like that's why part of why psa is done really well is. It's just it's a very simple grading scale I mean obviously they were already the leader and there's a lot of trust and momentum there. But in general when people were new to the hobby. It was an easy scale to follow and so you know pricing was easy to follow. There's less debate.


Ryan _ GemRate
Think I've even talked about it on here before the bgs grading skill it just leads a lot of like um, a lot to debate around like subgrades and what that means and how you value cards and it's simple and so you know the simpler you can make this for people in general I think like the easier it is for people to transact and so it's kind of why we've just tried to present the data in a way that's pretty uniform and we're sort of not. Trying to make people get too caught up in the and the weeds of the data itself.

So as you were speaking I actually wrote down and a note nine point five Gem min and the reason I wrote that downsco is going to ask you your a question is that do you think that that actually led to the demise of bgs because they chose 9.5 as their gem mint instead of 10

Ryan _ GemRate
I don't have it led to their demise but it certainly didn't help their case when there was a lot of new people coming in the hobby and they were not communicating at all I still I honestly think the hardest thing which I kind of just alluded to briefly but like the the reality of it is is I just think there if you try to sell a bgs 9 5 with. Ah, min Nine five versus ah a nine five plus plus which is basically like a nine five with 2 10 subgrades that is a very hard conversation to have with people who sort of value subgrades differently or the value a min nine five is less than like a psa 10 right? And so.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
That whole thing we just went through there which were in this hobby right? Like we live and breathed this hobby ah quite a bit and like that's complicated for us to discuss you know, live right? and for somebody new coming to the hobby to have to be like oh wait I have to think about this context when I'm going to buy a bgs 9 5 or oh I now own a bgs nine five how should I price this.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Creates a lot of friction in them being transacted right? and so I think that has sort of complicated their story and they weren't communicating like I always thought that bgs should have really revampped their pricing guide to be oriented around their subgrades to make it like super simple. So like if you do own a bgs nine five what does it mean like what's the. Difference of like certain certain subgrades and stuff like that. They just didn't cater that. So anyways, I don't know if it was single handedly their demise but it certainly didn't help and help when the hobby was thriving you know around the start of the pandemic and into the pandemic and so that's um, was I think their lack of communication honestly was there has been their demise over the last few years but I do think like. And Nine five complicated a lot of the story.

Um I I have no idea who's running their social media. Honestly.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, ah they they just thankfully they just yesterday introduced a new person a new face of Beckett to the hobby that um they released on socialist gentleman by the name of Luke Miller I believe which is good. They need a they need a front person. There's just sort of their equivalent of like an Stc peak to start to. Tell more of the beck of story now whether they'll deliver on that or not as you know, very much tbd. But I think the hobby would love to see Beckett being you know, increasingly more relevant and less sort of just not present. Yeah well I mean you know honestly, but the the difference between them and the company that like let's say. For example, this was hga we're talking about.

It could be 8 years too late. Yeah, that's right? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Hga doesn't have a legacy Beckett. There are a lot of people who are like fanatical about that brand and like you know they're definitely sort of fallen out of love with it over the last few years but like I don't think that people would be like resistant to the idea that Beckett all of a sudden has momentum. It's just they've got to get their you know crap together and sort of pull pull that off but they're.

Yeah, definitely.

Ryan _ GemRate
They've not said much and when they have said stuff. They've not really delivered on it and so you know it's partially sort of just windowing the hobby until like here's where we want to go like this is our vision and then then actually executing on it so not getting you know too big picture too aggressive with sort of what they're promising and sort of just start to.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
But some messaging in the hobby and in hitting those expectations.

I Do agree with that too. But I think it's also about ah marketing too I think that's to me where they've fallen short I would say on a number of it examples and I think I don't think that's the reason.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah.

The the sole reason why your company would become unsuccessful but it does seem to me that things changed quite quickly in the hobbyer and they just couldn't keep up like they did either. They didn't realize things were changing or they just couldn't get traction to keep up with the change that was happening and then they literally got left behind. That's. That's that's my very simplistic observation of the of the Beckett situation. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, they were I mean yeah, just sort of like close in that thought I mean just they weren't really structured to sort of take advantage of it and nor did they sort of react to take advantage of sort of like when the marker was moving. They just kind of they're just not a company that sort of they've got a lot of agendas I mean if you go to the Becca Website they're just a lot of people with sort of different. Stakes in the company whether that's like the marketplace or the price guide or the grading right? and they're all sort of competing for a lot of people there and so to get things done. There is very different. You know psa had the benefit of just new ownership and then sgc sort of had this. You know opportunistic moment that they sort of. Understood the stakes and and took advantage of it. But yeah Beckett was just not as responsive or capable at that stage.

Yeah, So I think we've completely segueed away from Generate. So I Think what we should do now is just really quickly talk about Psa purchasing Jsa because I think that's now that we're talking about this I think this is the perfect time so we did discuss this on a previous show. And I wanted to capture your your thoughts on this because I actually think this fits perfectly into the conversation because you can see where psa is heading with this and you know why the hell would want to do it? Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
You but just ps it you mean um, cgc acquiring jsa. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yep, just want to make sure we're in time about PsaSGc but yes so so see cgc I think what's most important to me because I'm not like ah I'm not a big.

Sorry Cgc Yep, that's exactly right? My mistake? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Autograph Authenticate Authenticator like I don't participate aggressively in that market or or rarely even in that sense, especially for like in-person autos and things like that. What I do think is like it's important to understand that like cgc despite sort of like the lack of buzz sometimes around their brand. They do really well in.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Comics and they do really well in coins and they do really well in tcg cards in sports they're often dismissed but I think what people have to recognize is just like they're here to stay. You know this is not like at least like that's the the picture they're painting for me with this acquisition is it's just like this. They're doing a ton of work like whether or not that resonates with the hobby they do. They went to the.

Yeah I think that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Show in Asia and had did on-site grading you know which drove a lot of their recent sort of cgc um tcg activity and also some of their like sports activity. They did a ton of soccer cards over there recently. They're doing a lot of partnerships. They were the first one to work with comc in the space and so. They're putting a lot of like pieces in place to stay relevant and sort of increase their brand presence. It's just it takes my whole thing with this grading spaces. It's a really loyal and sort of like tribal and sort of hard space to break through and you kind of need some sort of shakeup for.


Ryan _ GemRate
And opportunity to emerge and that's kind of what happened with Stc with the pandemic and Beckett not being sort of super responsive and psa having basically a shutdown and so you know you you need this sort of disturbance. Yeah, and you need sort of some disturbances. So I think cgc what they're doing is positioning themselves. Well for like the next big opportunity. But in the meantime it's just like a slow.

Yeah, it's like a twelve month backlog yep yeah

Ryan _ GemRate
Grind which they're putting a lot of pieces in place and this Jsa acquisition is another place for them to sort of like really just you know, put us you know a flag in the ground and say hey where we care about this space and we're investing in it and so that's where I find it to be most interesting I'm not totally sure like from a. Day to day standpoint like what that means for their business and how that changes their business but I do think it's ah, certainly meaningful.

I Really wanted to get your insight onto that. So I Really appreciate that and I think that's more interesting than what I'm about to say but I think at the end of the day for me where I land on this is that psa is gonna have the lion's share of of grading I think we can all agree on that. That's. Done and dusted. But I don't think that means that there's not other opportunities within the market and you touched on it perfectly. Coins There's a lot of people out there that do actually collect coins and so they they can take that marketplace and I actually would say let's just say they only did that I think they would still be.

Ryan _ GemRate

Be a profitable business There's no way that's not something that's viable and then you spoke about comic books and I think again, that's like a really you know, big part out there maybe a little bit to me that's less interesting but I still think it's out there I think people do like to get people to sign cards then to get them. Authenticated I think that is the thing. So maybe that's again, their niche in Mba cards. Not so much is psa a leader in that space and people really want to do it I don't know yes that probably is currently the case. But maybe that's like the niche that or the small market share that they do get in Mba Cards so that's where I like this you know the most and look to be honest, taking this full circle back to bgs that's where I think they need to now work out where do they fit in to all of this and they need to then like put their heels down and say okay, we're going to be the leaders in video games or we're going to be the leaders in Cd. Grading and authentication. Maybe that's the next thing that comes along and they can take their legacy and you know say we've lost on sports cards and but this is the next thing we're going to do because that seems to me like the next popular thing that's coming along that bgs could do.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah I mean just to um, comment on 1 more item that I think you sort of just start a touchdown which is interesting which is you know if you think about I grade frequently I grade less now I grade a lot less and we can speak to why I'm not grading but um, I'm not grading a lot right now. But when I do grade. I have a lot of like I do a lot of baseball cards which autographs are really important in baseball in particular and when you send a card in with an autograph versus a non-autograph to psa. It's ah it's a dramatically different experience in the sense of you could send in a non-auto card and get it back in two weeks but you could send in an auto card and it'll take two months because it's just a very different. Q and a very different process to actually not only grade the autograph. Obviously that's not the hard part but authenticating the autograph is the hard part and so there is an opportunity for somebody like a cgc to be what sgc was for sort of the non-graded I mean the non-autocards and sort of come in and say hey look you don't have to wait two months to get your auto. You know, graded and authenticated.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
You can come to us and it'll be a much faster turnaround a different experience and so I don't know you know that's a big bet to place on sort of a short term phenomenon like psa. Ideally, if they keep doing what they're doing. They're going to continue to reduce times to sort of or turnaround test. But there's certainly like a window and maybe that's one of the things that you know cgccs with this.

Yeah, like.

Ryan _ GemRate
Acquisition. So there's definitely like an opportunity there which I think is interesting.

I think we should close that up and move back to you because I want to talk about you more so tell us about what's happening next for Jim and then I think we should also do a little run through I want you to tell us about 1 of the features.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, if.

That you've been working on and how our listeners can use this I thought maybe we could do like a live read and you can walk us through how it works. Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, absolutely so for the future I mean so our our big push right now has been around this universal pop report and this million cards which is now one point one million cards it's basically we just want to have the best search and quickest search for population data right? And right now you got to go to our website.


Ryan _ GemRate
For the first time really sort of trying to present this data in ah in a way that's a little bit more mobile friendly like I go to a lot of shows I go to you know trade nights I want to be able to look up population quickly and so the idea is that you can just look up any card and the key is even if we have not merged it into our sort of universal database of one point one million cards we'll still show you the psa card.


Ryan _ GemRate
The sgc card the bgs card they'll still be in that search reveal but they just won't we won't have done the work of saying here's one view to look at him. You can still sort of quickly gauge the population across all of them. So our goal is just to build continue to build out that database. So but the biggest thing we've been doing. For example, is these universal pop reports which is think of it as like you know it's for the excel junkies and many of the nerds of the hobby that just want to have like all the population data and a massive spreadsheet and that's basically what we've done. We're presenting it on the web so we just published in the last three weeks 2023 prism our full universal pop report.


Ryan _ GemRate
And this is sort of the direction of where we're going which is you can see every card. Not only that's been graded but every card on that checklist and why that's important is a few different reasons one is you can sort of see like what's been graded and how that's being graded across the different grading companies. But for me who I like I pay attention to breaks I like like just seeing sort of like what's. Um, sort of appearing in the hobby you can see what's not been hit yet so sort of like what's still out there and potentially either not been pulled or has not yet at least been graded so but that's the idea is that you can sort of see it all at 1 big view if you go to any of these pop reports. It's hard to sort of just understand the big picture of like okay I'm looking at 2023 prism and I want to look at.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
You know the web wembby sort of marked it as it relates just like where are to what degree are these cards being graded. Are there certain parallels I love this what ge really thrives on is sort of like the unnumbered case hit sort of phenomena that we've been sort of seeing you know the last ten years which is like. You just don't know right? Everybody says ssp of their listings but is that truly ssp I mean but 1 we also just did 2023 poops.

I'm going to call you out right now. Ashley man I feel like I sent you a few messages requesting some data around case hits and it never came back so um, is this is this some proprietary um information you're sitting on that you're not prepared to share is that what's happening here.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, probably true. That's probably true.

Ryan _ GemRate
No, no, no, it's like but so we just also did um you know like. So for example, though, what's the ah prismania is out of you know, um 2023 prism and I didn't prepare this but I'm gonna look it up right now while we're on this but like the prismania.

Yeah, so like.

Ryan _ GemRate
Only has the the most graded frismania across all the green cups days Steph Curry at 6 right now 6 cards 5 a psa one at Beckett and weby only has four that have shown up a psa like when when that came out that there was gonna be a short print.


Ryan _ GemRate
Super short print in prism people kind of dismissed it because there hasn't really been one of those in the last you know 105 years that was really super short print and so exactly.

That's not how prism works prism is like high volume so many cards. It's like literally could be millions of them. Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? And so the idea of these kind of like new this new chase card. It's kind of flying under the radar and then you look at the grading data and I don't know what these things have been moving at pricewise but like there are none of them showing up. It's kind of like a color blast equivalent in prism but it's. You know, obviously the design has to pay that off I like the design but you know it's not for everybody. Um, but that's like a way that you could quickly gauge to say like okay, what is prismania look like or something else. That's a little bit more common like you might want to look up this just came out so it's a bad example, but like people like Tiger Stripes

Can we do can we do Kabooms is that possible.

Ryan _ GemRate
So I actually have like we don't have this year's kabooms to look at because it's not out there. So I do have this is random but I have 2014 up right now because we just did x I just released our excalliber which is was where kabooms were in.

Any year could boom any you could boom. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, so yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
14 which was a target only skew so these are really low pop but like kaboom. For example, you know there are the most graded kaboom from 2014 is Steph Curry which is at 40 which 60% of those are a becket which is part of why this exists as well is that. You were coming into the hobby today and you're like oh 2014 Kabom and you look at Steph Curry and you say there's only 14. That's not how the hobby was shaped you know and how people were working in this hobby ten years ago they were actually grading most of stuff with Beckett and so if you look at like the Beckett. Sorry this is getting into some nerdy data stuff here but like the Beckett.

Ah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Gem rate is 67% for that stuffh curry kabo from 2014 that's because everybody graded them back then and you know now these ones that are being graded by psa you know, five years later

So just explain that just break that down a little bit so you said 67% gem rate just to have people at home that might not entirely appreciate that just break that down a little bit. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, yep, yeah so that's just saying out of the 20 for that grade 24 that have been graded by Beckett 67% of them have graded gem mint or higher and so Annet.

So so is that a 9.5 Ohio yep yeah

Ryan _ GemRate
Or higher. Yep yep, we on the site. We just sort of generically lump everything gemmin or grader into one bucket as just to show you like a gem mini grader. So I don't write gem mini grader. But that's what that means gem rate is referring to things that are gem men greaterr. But why that's why I bring that up is 67% at Beckett. But.


Ryan _ GemRate
There's been 14 that have been graded at psa and none of them have gemed because it's just a very different sort of none of them have received you know PSA 10 at this stage 14 over 14 it's just a hard card to grade but big picture. You should at least know that there's 40 of these which is really low if you were to look at like I I'm trying to think of I don't have one up up right now.


So while you're doing that I'll just feel this spacing because in my head I thought these were around sort of 25 to 50 each. But I thought that was much later like maybe say 16 17 17 18 so in my head now I'm just sort of multiplying this out because basically.

Ryan _ GemRate
Let me see if I could do that quickly. Oh I could do that on Universal search.

How the timeline works as we getting closer to 1819 so much more cards were printed I think that's the easiest way to say it. So could you then speculate that there's a hundred kabooms by the time we get to 1819

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate
So I pulled it up so it's a good example of how to use Ge rate right now and why this is sort of what I at least sort of think of the value this is like I I have twenty fourteen excalibber on here and you could just compare the different boombs within 2014 all in 1 view right? but I don't have 2019 crown royal in there.


Ryan _ GemRate
Which are crown crown royale which is um where kaboons were that year and that's not in the universal sort of pop report in the sense of you can't see all these cards across the pool set there. But if you go to universal search and just type in 2019 Zion Kaboom we'll show you what that looks like across all the grading companies and so that card. For example, it's been graded 107 times and so you know I was saying Steph Curry 40 Zion you know hundred seven You know it was a different time too. There's probably a lot of crack and resubs in there to some degree. Although that card was grading at a 72% gem rate. So that's actually not true. It's grading really well um, versus like the Steph Curry for example, but it shows you yeah, there's almost 3 times as many kabooms that were printed in 2019 if you use that as like if you believe that's like a fair proxy for like the supply or the print run.

Um, I would say at at the moment. There's nothing better to use that to support your hypothesis. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
But that's that's why I love it is these idea of these unnumbered cards that have a ton of value to them like I actually just recently bought an Evan mobly color blast which I never participate in that market because it's just too high end for sort of how I I play in this card market. The color blast market in particular is really hard but like.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
You know I would never have made that purchase without elise going and looking at this data on gemri. It's clearly I'm obviously biased because this is a tool that I've built but there's only been thirteen color but blasts from you know, Twenty eleven that have emerged for evomobly for example and one of the things that I'll look at though within that is say like who was actually the most. Rated player out of that set and I'll make sure I'll look at cade or I'll look at Scotty or I'll look at you know Jalen Green and just say like okay, there's 13 mobies but are there 40 cades and there's not There's a lot less but like that's sort of how I use these tools to say like if all of a sudden evamobile looks like Duncan you know. Then where would his population potentially go and so I use these tools to help me understand like these valuable cards or at least like cards that have a lot of perceived value and just like what does supply look like and how do we sort of compare and contrast these different case hits which everything's a case, sit now and so you know where where I want to speak to a very.


Ryan _ GemRate
Recent example, those like and I like these cards a lot are the presentation cards that came out of hoops. For example, right? like those are really nice. It's actually by the same artist who did the twenty fourteen kabooms nobody knows that really or at least that stories not come out much but it's a gentleman in Europe who did the 2013 and 2014 kaboom sets which are.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, right? okay.

Ryan _ GemRate
Somewhat polarizing because they're much more of a graphic artist take on the hobby as opposed to like a true portrait of the the player and so he came back and they they reised they had him do some of the more 20 some of the chase hits or um, case hits. And chases in the twenty twenty three stuff so he did the Don Ross um insert and he did the hoops insert the shirt he did presentation. So anyways, but where I was going with that is if you look up the presentation. A good question. It's not not a box it I don't think it's a box. It.

Um, is that a case hit or a box hit though.

Um, we must have got lucky then because we I'm pretty sure we got one per box.

Ryan _ GemRate
But. You know what? you could be right though because they're no I was I thought they had a different I Guess there's no parallel of the presentations. It's just I thought there might have been a.

Unless there is a foil version and we didn't get the foil. We just got like a regular work. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, to be honest I can't remember exactly what it is but where I was going with that is it's certainly least being pitched and if you look at ebay listings. It's being pitched as a ssb but there's already been 500 of those wembbys graded presentations and so.

Yeah, so can I be honest with you I I think it's a box here. The only where I agree with you 100% is they are absolutely beautiful cards. They are easily the best card out of that set and I think that's a really cheap way to pick up a beautiful card. That's just.

Ryan _ GemRate
Totally totally.

Does that make sense. So and I love that I Love that for the hobby because you're talking about this with color blast before and kabooms not everyone could afford them So this in my head this is where this fits into the Hobby Perfectly. You can go and get one of these for 50 to $100 I Don't think these are got to be long-term collectible I think the pop of this is going to be quite high bait to be honest. I was looking on ebay Now there is oodles of these for sale like hundreds of them are there's just everyone's here. There's heaps of webbizo. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, if even when be sir. No.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, yeah, I mean it's definitely a again. I don't know people are pitching in a certain way versus the reality of how many of those were imprinted but the idea is you could quickly gauge that right? and it's not most of those are being graded with psatoday. So like you could pick this up from the psa pop report but it's still useful to know. And then what we're trying to help you do is see like the actual gymm rate so what percent so where that's important with this presentation set. For example is the wembby's grading at like a 67% gym rate. But like there's some players in here in particular like Jason Tatum he's got a lot rated. He's got 140 graded but they're a 40% gem rate. So like if you're buying a tatum. 1 you might value the ps 8 10 a little bit more because they're a harder grade or you can't you're less likely to buy those raw and have success and so you just need to be aware that for whatever reason the tatums came off the printing press. You know, not the same way that the others in this set were coming off a bit and so there's just some.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is not a blank slate from last year

Ryan _ GemRate
No I was I I was listening to you guys talk about the new blank slates because I love court Kings and um, yeah, the new you know these new black blank slates are fascinating.

I Love them and I think I'm in the minority on this we we did a social media post about it and people just poo-pooing it from start to finish.

Ryan _ GemRate
Well you touched on what I think is key and like you look at the the gem rates for blank slates you you have a hard time finding a card that's worth that much money in the hobby that gems at that high of a rate I mean it's like ninety ninety five percent gem rates for almost.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
All the blank slates especially like the earlier ones I mean which is interesting because that's why the raw sell for such a high price because verse like that the p you won't get like a multiplier that's three x on a blank slate like you'll get a multiplier that's like 2 x because people have already factored in the idea that this is kind of grade well and you don't see that with these 2023 they're not going to grade.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Ryan _ GemRate
Nearly as well. So anyway.

Look I'm really proud that we've just deep dived into a hoops car to be honest I'm of loving in this sorry I interrupted you keep going mad.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah I was I was basically gonna end that segment just saying you know that's kind of the idea of like what we're trying to bring to the Hobby is just these tools that allow you to sort of make sense of things that are a little bit harder you know data that's pretty hard to come by if you were to go to each one one of those individual pop reports What we just talked about. You know that take you a couple hours to sort of like try to piece together like what's happening with hoops and copying and pasting that in excel and thinking about presentations the way that you know all the different grading companies list. The stuff is just not User-friendly. So The idea is this is just an easy way to look it up or it's something where like you know you asked me to look up a kaboom car I mean a kaboom card that wasn't yet on our universal pop report and I could look that up and.

Yeah, a lot of.

Ryan _ GemRate
You know 3 seconds which is nice and so the idea is just like there's a lot of great data in this hobby that exists. But it's not always available in the most user, friendly way and so that's where our focus has been There's other stuff we want to do on top of that this will facilitate but like this is sort of like the baseline we want to establish of like we've got a lot of really good data. You can export all of it to excel run your own sort of analyses on it if you want and you can just kind of have at it. But the data is in a much more sort of user, friendly and accessible format now.

I think to be to show my love to you and also to be kind to that was some of the stuff we spoke about earlier was like there's a lot of data here. But how do you crunch it all and I feel like this is what you've done in in the last twelve months you've taken something that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? right? right.

Was very data heavyavy and now made it into something. It's very usable and I think if your company is going to take that you know next gigantic step I think this is where it's going to be at so honestly I'm so happy to to see all these new features that you built in and it's it's really interesting ma honestly, so I think what we should do now is is take. A very short break and then we'll come back with our next segment while we are taking the break if everyone at home either wants to get their desktop ready or their mobile phone will do a walkthrough with Ryan. We're not really taking a break I just have to like it's a it's a radio break Ryan.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, all right should I go into the walk through.

Um, yeah, just give me 2 sacks I'm just going to write down a timestamp and then um, we will introduce you right backend. So do you want to do it on mobile or do you want to do it on desktop.

Ryan _ GemRate
What do you? Ah you tell me I don't care.

Well I'm actually just thinking more people will unless you can do both quickly and it's not that much different. But um I actually think in terms of like future branding mobile is better because what you're talking about.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, sure.

Is right? You go to a trade show. You're not going to be on your like on your no one's taking a laptop are they? Yeah yeah, so um.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? right? right? Yeah I can just I'm just going to do the search feature because I kind of spoke to I just kind of did a walkthrough of the pop report functionality which is much more of a desktop and sort of a doesn't play. Well it's the same. There's 2 distinct features.

But is it the same does it work the same.

Ryan _ GemRate
1 is the pop report which is sort of like the excels sort of way but it's all cards in that set compared to 1 another right search. Is you just go in and you type in any card you want and it gives you a lot of the same data but it's just for a single card.

No yep.

Okay, so ah, what do you Okay, so let's just pretend we're at a show. What would you? Why do you walk us through that you're at a show someone wants to do a trade with you I'll I'll introduce it like that and then you step by step go through it but can you even say like. Go to this site you know, can you do that is that cool because literally as you'll do I'm going to be doing it at the same time too. So yeah, all righty we are back with Ryan from Jimmreid and I hope you've got your devices ready ryan is going to step us through.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yep, yep Yep Yep yep.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, so I just going to walk through and sort of close a loop on this universal search. So the thing that I think is most valuable for the audience today because I do think the universal pop report and sort of like the excel like features are definitely more for like when you're in research mode and you're making a big purchase but like you know most of us want this data when we're at a show right right? This is.

Yeah, you're doing a trade at a trade show. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Is where I find the most and sort of immediate value of what we've built and so you just go to and if you if you're on your phone. We don't have a mobile app people have asked us about it. It's not on our near term roadmap but it's stuffly said that we're thinking about and then if you just do the little dropdown.. There's a universal search there and this is kind of the thing that I go to most. Frequently at shows and you can just enter in the car details and so give me a give me ah any recent purchases you've made or anything that's been on your watch list.

Probably the card that I'm the most happiest that I picked up recently was the C J Mccollum rookie Silver Piece a 10

Ryan _ GemRate
All right is that 2013

I Don't know off the top of my head.

Ryan _ GemRate
All right? So what I would do in here is 2013 prism silver and then I would just start to type in my column which I'm thinking is this rookie year I cannot remember yes. Okay.

So does the search work better when you have the year you can't just search for the play's name.

Ryan _ GemRate
You could? well it works better just in the sense of if you just typed in Pri Silver Mccollum you're going to get back all years right? and it's not going to wait it towards his rookie year I mean it will sort of slightly do that because that's going to be the most graded of the cards. But it's not going to sort of like. No for sure. That's the one you're looking for so I always type in. So if you want to have the most success with this type the year first then I usually type the set some it doesn't have to be panini prism you just type in prism you can type in select you know you don't type in any insert you can be very generic just a few keywords though. So I typed in 2013 prism silver and mcco. Really didn't even have to spell out mycollum it sort of showed up there but you go here and you see twenty Thirteen panini prism the columns and a Dropdown and you get what's nice is on this you why you know I'm saying nice I built this so I need other people to tell me they like it as well. I'm clearly biased but you can see within this sort of.

Yeah, it did. Yep.

No tell us why it's nice. This is this is why we're here man. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
This is one of the we're trying to put a little bit more emphasis on design and you can see there's there's like a little bubble that says universal and green on there. You can see the total graded in blue and the idea is just to show you like? okay 1 you don't even have to click into it to say like oh there's been 91 Cg Mccollum silver prisms that have been graded across all the grading companies.

How did you know that was how do you know that was silver though.

Ryan _ GemRate
And you could also see but so back in 2013 they didn't call them silvers. They just call them prisms so twenty twelve Twenty thirteen they weren't calling them silvers yet. They were just calling them prism so I see there's a prism there and there's also a listing to below that that says it doesn't say base. It doesn't say this is twenty thirteen prism


Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, column and that has 927 grade so 2 things that I immediately look at there I'm like oh so the the the silver's a tenth you know the population of that's a tenth of the base you know and and probably more likely to be graded 2 versus a base a column so probably less than that actually um.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
But then you can click into it and the most important thing that I look at with this is it just I look at the gem rate and I just sort of just try to understand like what did you say you bought a a graded version. Yeah so I mean like that's ah, that's a pretty low pop card I mean if you click into it. You can see. There's only been 23 of those that have been graded at 10 out of 50

PSA 10 yeah

Ryan _ GemRate
Only a 46% gem rate for psa first Beckett which there's been 38 graded but 34 gems so 90% gem rate. But again just shows you like the dynamic of the hobby versus like when Mccollum was sort of emerging as an important player or a key player on Portland right Um, reverse. Where anybody who finds a Cj in their collection is like oh yeah I should totally get this graded. It's been in a you know, tossed around in some sort of you know one row forever now and so you know they're just grading at a lower.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, he sat on the bench for the first few years like that There was a really deep team when he went into that team. So I think that has a bit to do with that? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, so anyways, this is just like a quick understanding and like so the reason I'm taking on the perspective of like you're now looking to move that and I'm like okay I'm you know one of the big missing components of what we offer though is we don't do anything with pricing and everybody always asks us about it and we're not doing anything there yet. But maybe in the future. We'll do something.

Um, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
But it doesn't contextualize it so like I would like to know like okay there are 34 gems or greater out of bgs versus to 23 for psa and there's a couple for cgc. There's actually to been none according to this graded by C Sgc at this stage. But um. But again just shows you like how different the hobby was like they're just not people grading 2013 prisons with sgc at the time or even recently, but you know you'd obviously want to know like the price too like was the psa 10 how much of a premium. Did you pay you know or sometimes you know a lot of people like to buy the bgs is because they're like the quality and the you know the presumed.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Quality of the card as opposed to sort of the grade in the slab of the card or around the card and so anyways I use the data for something like this and it just helps from me sort of quickly understand like what's the frame of reference for a cg mccollum prism silver and in 2013 which again is not something I'm going to know if I'm walking walking up to you at a trade night and that's your sort of marquee card that you're sort of. Putting in front of me I'd have to quickly get that information and the alternative would be. You could go to card ladder who's one of our partners who's like right? So like we work with card ladder in the kind of in a different context. They have a lot of the same information from our Api but they present it through the lens of like a single card and you'd go and find it there and it's a lot of the same information.

Yeah, cod letter. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Just depends you have to be a card lader u user which is awesome and you can get pricing information but they present a lot of that same information with a bit of a different ui but it's the same info but the idea is to sort of contextualize the source for you because it'd be impossible and then impossible but did be a lot of work for you to go to the individual pop reports and try to figure out like what the heck is going on with the Cg Mccollum card that came out.

Yeah, because when I did look at card ladder it had the population of that at 23 which is the same as yours so on card ladder it says Psa Ted there's 23 and on yours it says gems plus 23 and I think I was talking to you about this earlier in the show and that's.

Ryan _ GemRate
Eleven years ago

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, and and.

Where I wasn't a hundred percent clear I thought that's what you meant but I just wasn't a hundred percent clear and that's why I wanted to ask you about that? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Do you see on card Ladder they got that little book for like near the pop button too I'm guessing. That's what you would click into there to see the full population too right? because that's actually right so same data.

Yeah, yeah, right? Okay, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
It's just through a different presentation. But my goal is not to sort of have I don't I mean people want to come to that's amazing but I'm not building this so that you know there's no I'm not monetizing this in the way that like I'm not charging. You know it's free to the hobby. It's available for people to use. It's just a quick sort of at your fingertips. You're at a show and you want to learn pop really quickly. This tool's available to you. But.

Um, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Also am super happy if people find the same information on card ladder or any 1 of our partners because I just want people to have better information available to them. But that's basically the use case. That's sort of the 1 Oh 1 of like this is a tool that if you know there's ways that you can just sort of save something like a search page to your. Iphone as like an app if you wanted to you could do that. But my my basic pitch here is just know that it's sort of a tool that can be in your toolbox for when you're at a show and you want to understand population another company that sort of does it well that's not a customer of ours but they only do it for like Psa and Beckett is alt a lot of people like alt for this because alt was good.

We don't need to talk about Outri cupboard.

Ryan _ GemRate
But I just say like that is a company that's sort of presenting information in a similar style. They just don't have quite the same database at this stage. It's not really been their priority but it's again, this information is useful and so the more people that sort of have it at their fingertips. The more educated the Hobby is and ultimately like more people that will make decisions that they feel informed and confident about which is. Basically been my pitch for the last you know few years which is if we want people to stick around in this Hobby. It's not about saying hey look this is a psa pop 2 when there's 52 of these in a becket slab because of the era and sort of it was a different paradigm right? Like nobody's going to feel good about that walking away with that transaction or from that transaction like.

Yeah fire.

Ryan _ GemRate
At least the buyer is not and so my goal is to make sure buyers sort of feel informed and you know educated making these decisions.

Look I think you're definitely making your message clearer and I think that tool allows you to visually demonstrate that a lot easier because I think that is hard to sort of conceptualize in your mind without the data in front of you So look I think it looks. Looks really really Good. So Congratulations Mate I'm sure you've had many sleepless nights try to make this usable and you know.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, it was well. Thank you I appreciate the support and you guys have always been you know, kind enough to mention it on the show I mean it's definitely to do what we're doing now took 2 years of behind the scenes work so that's why when you sort of shouted out the million cards like I'm not promoting that aggressively but it took 2 years to basically put that first million cards in place. It's not going to be as.


Ryan _ GemRate
Nearly as long. Hopefully it takes six months to get the next million but that work supports making sure this search covers as many cards as possible.

Look I Think if you're running a small business. You do need to celebrate these things and do you know what? I mean like you do put so much time and effort into it and if you don't celebrate. You know what's the point and I think.

Ryan _ GemRate
Totally totally.

Million cards is a really big deal. So yeah congratulations like I hope you did go out and celebrate to be honest, did you go out and celebrate. Yeah, good.

Ryan _ GemRate
Thank you I did nothing crazy but I did I did it was definitely like 1 of those yeah I did thank thank you for the therapy session. You can feel free to you know, send an invoice I owe you thanks for making me zoom out to see big picture.

All righty. So actually I've ticked off all the questions I want to ask you So I want to open up the floor to you. You can talk about anything related to gem rate. You can talk about anything that's scratching the back of your head Hobby wise that you just want to get off your chest. Let's go.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah I don't have too much but the only thing that I was thinking about that might be just interesting that was sort of on my radar and I know that you've spent some time thinking about is just this Kalin Clark phenomenon which I think is really interesting but I was just doing some research in a sort of like how.

Yeah, let's talk about that. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Much. She's sort of growing within the hobby through the lens of supply and sort of just like the increase you know because what I think 2020 Bowman you was her first appearance and sort of a licensed trading card and then 2023 Bowman you same? So yeah, it's her second year card but

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
I don't know if the print runs changed or whatever. But I mean I was just looking at recent stats and I mean she's she's already in the top graded female athletes all time like high on that list like I'm sure maybe Serena's above her but like you know and that's ah yeah, like trying to think yeah Serena has 30000 cards. So Serena the greatest you know. Considered by many one of the greatest female athletes of all time has 30000 cards across all the grade companies all time. yeah serenas yeah yeah Serena Williams Serena Williams right so just sort of like setting sort of the the high end of like where this could go for her right? like 30000 cards.

Serena the tennis player or Sabrina the basketball player. Yeah yeah.

Um, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
And then you you quickly look and I'm going down this list of like the all time top graded athletes and I'm looking for. You know the next closest female and I'm not going through the fullest live on this call but you know, um, we are getting a foot but caitlinn clarkard he has 16000 cards graded you know, 2 years into this phenomenon and and 7000 of those are in the last two months

I don't I don't think this a cop I don't think this is a conversation could I see for 2 reasons tennis in my head is a bit like cricket. It's a very very popular sport sports. Ah, but there is not that click to.

Demand out there for that type of stuff. So I think let's just say if you're using that as a benchmark you could easily this is not even controversial. You can say she's got to go 10 x that easy.

Ryan _ GemRate
Well yeah, give me I mean so think think of wmba player or another comp that you want me look and I'll give you sort of how many they've graded so you want it you said Sabrina yeah.

So can I just can I just Pat this out for for two more seconds so the reason this is actually exciting for w nba collectors is because at the moment she's with tops and fanatics right? and the concern was she wasn't going to be signing in.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate

Pinid because they've got the license for Wba and that is most likely going to be 1 license they we'll be hanging on to it seems like at this point fanatics haven't taken over Wba um, Caitlin Clark is a really good business person and you know we talk about lebron.

Ryan _ GemRate

Remember that whole narrative he made I want to be a billionaire and he did a lot of really really clever things in his career. So so you can make the argument that Kateitla Clark is going to be like the lebron James of Wba and also too from a business perspective.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ah, kind of get the feeling they're using Lebron's like the model so she's already endorsing a whole bunch of stuff. She's making a lot of money in college. So some people think she's going to make more money in college than in pro which is a a crazy thought process but you know that's the world we live in so she's actually signed with paniti and she signed for.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Fanatics. So she's going to be coming to wnba products hot and I think that the buzz that's currently with Bowman University you need to keep this all in perspective so people are going crazy for this stuff now I would say that's fired. Get excited. Enjoy the momentum but don't go spending all of your money on that stuff because as soon as the pro stuff comes out. We've seen this happen before with prism draft all this university stuff is is really good for a short window but it ultimately all like you know dips off and goes down so like that's fire they can grate as much stuff as they want. But I'm just like sort of. Trying to create this narrative of like she's coming to paniti and I I think you also need to take into context too of like if paniti is going to be losing every other nba athlete I think they're going to put her you know front and center of all of their marketing.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, it.

Of all of their products and I think it's going to be really good for Wba collectors I think it's actually a very exciting time. So yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah I mean it's going to be very interesting I do think um like what you're saying in general like I'm I'm very intrigued like if I think there's one opportunity to sort of you know the Hobby sort of is very narrative driven and like um.

Ryan _ GemRate
You know things can change basically like things that you know the sort of perception or sort of the things that are favorable in the hobby can definitely be very different 10 years from now I'm trying I try to often think about what could be different. You know 10 years from now versus how things are perceived today and I do think like and ni is one of the few moments we've had in this hobby where like. People potentially could perceive the card landscape differently and like what it means for somebody's first card or rookie card or sort of their initial card. So I do think there's potential staying power I do I do in in general I mean in the context of what we're talking about in general I think that also matters.

Jimmy like the Caitlin Clark Boin University card is that what you're talking about. Okay.

Yeah, okay, sure so that's like ah, an opposite opinion to what I've got so tell people the alternate thought I think that's really good to have that.

Ryan _ GemRate
So like.

Ryan _ GemRate
I Just I Just think there's an opportunity for maybe you know I mean I think if panini has a chance to stick around in this hobby like and if fanatics has risk in this hobby is that people just start signing people way earlier andm printing more cards much earlier and they and they're sort of you know quote unquote careers when. People are in high school or in college because there's gonna be making money a lot earlier and so you know if you look at ultimately like a lot of the cards that people do put a lot of value Behind. It's your first appearance. It's not always your you know? For example, there are babe Ru cards that are before he was even in the majors his minor league I'm going way out of like you know. Way Beyond sort of this conversation topic. But like there are.

I don't bind this though because in particular examples that is the right thing to do and I think Caitlyn Clark is that special example where you can use I know this is like a little bit sacrilegious for some people I get that but I can also understand how you can make that argument of Babe Ruth and Caitlyn Clark at the same time go on. I'm totally fine with this? Yeah no, no, it's it's totally fine though I like it. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Well, that's an that's an extreme example and it's not really like this is Mba. But it's a basketball podcast. But um, my point is basically I do think if people start to gravitate towards Bowman first. You may not care about that wmba card especially because this is where sort of. She rose to this crazy popularity and phenomena and like that ultimately may be worth way more and especially if what you're saying is true which is like if panini is going to pump out thousands hundreds of thousands millions of Kalin Clark cards because this is sort of the saving Grace and I actually do like the idea of like these first to print. Um, when you cards having staying power versus like I don't want our wmba rookie cards maybe nearly as much as I want Iowa cards because this is sort of like where her brand was established or sort of like her presence became really well known. So my my only point with that is that may not be the reality today but 10 years from now if we look back.

Yeah I've right.

Ryan _ GemRate
Maybe be the cards that people ultimately me are like oh this is when she sort of you know broke through and sort of became extremely culture relevant changed the game. You know it's equivalent. You know, like if Steph Curry I don't know it's the same phenomenon this isn't going to work the way that it wanted to but like if Steph Curry had a davidson card that came out when he became like.

Um, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
All of a sudden like the breakout star of the and Ncw a tournament 2007 like that would be really interesting I don't know if that's the same because step's legacy is the 20 you know 15 through 2021 Twenty Twenty Two run but I do think like people would pay ah a significant price for a curry card.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
And a davidson you sort. For example I don't know that's true because it's different with the Nba where things are lot more established but point being is I just like to challenge sort of the certain norms that we have in the hobby and I do think like Caitlyn Clark is different and sort of the way that she's perceived as different and so I do think it's interesting that she's got 16000 cards graded she might have 100 to your point she may be 200000 cards graded by the time she's done with a wmba career or something like that and so maybe those 16000 cards that are in the market today have more staying power than they traditionally would.

Okay, look I love it when there's alternatives sort of that challenge my own sort of thought process. So I've got no trouble with that at all I maybe the big picture here. The thing we're actually missing is that. There is something changing in the hobby in that what we perceived as amateur athletes and now becoming professional athletes when they weren't previously and so this actually might be something that's going to be happening you know more often. So I look I don't feel like. College basketball at all in terms of like the men's stuff and the only reason why I'm following the women's college is because Caitlyn Clark so I'm being very transparent about that. But maybe there's actually a men's player out there who people are chasing at the moment and those cards are going to be important and we haven't had that in the last few years because of all the different you know. Rules around it. So what I'm just trying to think about this prism draft I mean they they they did sign in that though didn't they.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, so yeah so I don't think I do think that's what prism draft is interesting because you're bringing up some good points and I don't necessarily know that I have counters to them but like prism draft is sort of seen as like it's just not really well I mean it's fine. Like really well produced. It's not really like different than prism core in the sense of like it's just an early preview of it where they're not in their you know pro uniforms. It's not really special and it's not It's just taking advantage of sort of like a small window. It feels like very much like a money grab and opportunistic play in the hobby whereas like. Caitlin Clark Bowman you cards are 2 years before she even had a you know established sort of college career and was like clearly going to be a breakout. Ah, where what I mean by that is like well if like so I was looking up cooper flag is like the person that's getting a lot of hype I don't know if you're familiar with cooper flag and like how familiar are but. He's sort of like the most hyped up player. You think he's going to duke next year but he's going to be a 1 and done for sure. He's going to be the first pick on a 2025 and Mba draft like if cooper cooper flag is supposed to be like the next chance for like a breakout. Ah you know Mba player.

I Know his name but that's all I know like yeah.

Ah, there's a Larry bird comparison isn't there.

Ryan _ GemRate
Maybe like I don't know enough about his background just to to to verify that probably but um, that sounds right? but I have literally no idea so I'm speaking beyond my knowledge at the stage but it is an interesting like the Nba is much more established I seen how people think about these things but to your point and where I want to go with that is.

Ah, okay.

Ryan _ GemRate
Cooper flag's getting paid like he's certainly getting paid and so like the idea of him being an amateur is no longer really the same as what it was when everybody else was sort of you know establishing themselves ten years ago or twenty years ago and so you know the idea that maybe he's no longer an amateur and that he is professional. He's just professional in a college uniform and.


Ryan _ GemRate
You know, maybe maybe my only point with that is I try to challenge the way that people might think about these first cards and so I think it's a lot more obvious in my mind with Caylin Clark where there's sort of not as many norms establish is not really a wmba market that's been established like. But with Cooper flag. It would be a different story like it still would take many many years before that story might even begin to change. But I do think there's at least a chance for somebody like panini to produce really well done cards that when you're in high school that maybe all of a sudden sort of change the way that people think about cards.

Ah god that actually look so I wanted you to finish your thing but first of all I'm going to say how dare you say that prism draft isn't well produced. You. You know my love for that product I feel like you're personally attacking me right now. So. Just to present the alternate view on that I actually think it's a very creative product. So what this is my perspective I think they throw stuff at the wall in that product and they see what sticks and then what you see is in the next prism Mba version then you'll see some of the parallels that have come through that they've tried and so the alternate take to that is. They try all these different parallels that never make it so you sort of get you know's a little bit in my head you get? Yeah yeah, and ah and the same argument too for a little bit for me is W Mba Prism I think they've tried some things in that. So the cracked the silver cracked ice they were first in wmba.

Ryan _ GemRate
It's like chronic. It's chronicles light. You know for prism.

Then they liked that then they've rolled it out to Mba so I like that type of stuff like for me that just kind of speaks to me a little bit so look. We're actually at the hour mark already sorry you're going to say something go I accept your apology but I'm still.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate
Well I was just going to apologize for throwing shade on Prism draft picks Sorry I didn't mean I didn't mean for it to be so you know such a personal attack. Ah.

I'm still low key mad at you man to be honest here I don't think you're going to be coming back for a fourth episode. That's it um, hey look we're actually at the hour mark already and there's 1 thing I really want to talk to you about so can we please talk about that and then if there's something else that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah, totally fair I get it I get it.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, sure sure no, let's let's say your agenda and then wrap it up.

You did want to discuss on on this on the sheet pick something out. Yeah yeah, cool all right? So I think what we should do is take another really quick break and then we'll come back with another segment with Ryan.

So I just wanted to talk about that little ah spreadsheet that I made and because it's so if you click on that link there. It says old star stats to guide your hobby values and then in that there's the Google sheet if you click on that.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, oh yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah.

I Do apologize how shit this is but um, this is my attempt at doing some stats.

Ryan _ GemRate
No, it's good I like this I have when I didn't realize until an hour before that you had shared this with me. But yeah I looked at this is good but this is what you want to? Automatically update right.

Fix. So if I could somehow do the prices updating I think that would be more interesting and more relevant and then I'm going to build this out to like seventy five or a hundred that's my plan. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Do you do you want it to actually update that price there or do you want to say here's what it was today here's what it was a week from now here. Do you want a column for each date or do you just want one single sell that updates with the current price.

Ah I was thinking just like the the cell and I was thinking if you could do this, you could do like the trend of the last three months like is it up 23% or you know down 20% I think that would be interesting. But if you suggest you know this stuff.

Ryan _ GemRate

Better than be I've got no idea what I'm talking about Just yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
No you you got it down.

Ryan _ GemRate
Ah I got you heated talking about prison I got you too heated talking about Prism draft.

Ah, my office is on the second floor and it's amazing like the heat rice. It's it's yeah I usually have my window open all the time when I podcast so I keep it shut. You know it's like I thought you were vaping for a second then.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Not a bad idea.

Alrighty we are back. Thank you very much for coming back. So this next segment is really I'm I'm trying to do a ah generate light here. So if you go to our Facebook page. You can't copy this Nba Podcast in the pin posts.

Ryan _ GemRate

You'll find a a post and at the top it says time for the stats fiends to come out in full strength at the bottom of that there'll be a Google docs link so click on that and then you'll see exactly what we're talking about so this is something to be honest I'll been talking about for about three months and I just haven't gotten around to doing it. But.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, so.

I wanted to take the all-star votes totals. They'd put that into a spreadsheet and then put the prices next to it for the the rookie silver psa tense that that's the data points that I've used so then I wanted to then look at it and say well is there something odd here that you think is. Interesting that might help you drive say a purchase or in lieu of that a sale so I'll give you a minute to think about it and I'll just run through a quick couple that I'll be looking at which I think a sort of caught my eye that will go from there. So I think the first one probably to point out is. David Lillard 1 so I've obviously got that word wrong and I'll just quickly fix that up now. But I can't because I would view read only. That's okay I need to edit this bit sorry after but now.

Ryan _ GemRate

So I think look at this in terms of using it for something ideal I like tyrese baxy just like first off the bat. That's where I'm going with this because I think in terms of popularity. He's not right at the very top. But he's also not right at the very bottom and the other thing I like about this too is just the population of it so he's sitting currently at two hundred and twenty four usd population of this is 432 I probably do think this is going to go up to eight hundred to a thousand in the next two years so you do need to factor that in a little bit for that. But in terms of him you know coming out this year and I think the other thing too I I like about maxe is that I think he's passed a litus test because with a be big out. Realistically he was carrying that team's offense and.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate

To a degree. He also carries ah defensively the back court because to think about the Nba at the moment. But for me is there's not a lot of places where you can hide people and I really feel that if you can't defend in the league that shows up a lot and when I watch Maxie Play I never really feel like he's.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, right.

Ah, turns style so I like it for those reasons that's more of a ah prospecting pick for me. But then if you go right up to the very top this to me, let's just look at the top 3 so the top 3 is yanis lebronteo. So the price is at the very top is yarnis at 11000 lebrat at 24000 and then ta of at 745 so you would immediately say well Taib is the one to jump onto. He's very popular. He's a fraction of the price of the other ones which is all true but where I think that that argument but falls down is the population. So. Population for potato was 849 for Lebron. It's one hundred and seventy seven but the one that I think is for me the most interesting or compelling you might say is the the yada so that's a population of 79 so I think if I was looking to buy 1 of those 3 base of this data alone I'd be looking at. At the yadess.

Ryan _ GemRate
So two can I make a couple comments.

I Would love you to.

Ryan _ GemRate
So a couple of things so one I mean one of this is a great example though of where like this is ah it's a it's a good a starting point but like a dangerous sort of um analysis start in the sense of like when you're looking at Janis and you're looking at you know p sa 10 silvers this a. You know, twenty Thirteen rookie which Beckett you know you're completely sort of dismissing any sort of bgs cards that are out there right same for like Mbi and yokitch and like this Yoko designer right? Yeah and so so so one I I would immediately sort of like I mean good. This is a good starting point as I'm saying like I think i.

Yeah. Yeah, he is yeah one.

Ryan _ GemRate
This is how a lot of people would approach looking at this data but I certainly me as somebody who's like oh where would I invest I would want to know what the other side of that equation is like specifically bgs right? And so I think that's super important to factor when you're looking at something like this and then the second thing is.

Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, so do you think that if I built this out population being total population that would be more relevant.

Ryan _ GemRate
I Think you have a better Understand. So What I So The second comment they had was I think the I I don't liver look at like prices in isolation Because. You want to know population to what you were just saying right? and so that's where you have to be careful with this and so I don't like to say Market Gap because I think that's got like a negative connotation towards it but like you want to know how much people have spent on this card and it's still just market Cap. It's just sort of a repositioning of it but like I look it.


Can you explain market gap to people at home that might not understand that because I'm not going a lie to I I think I know what you're saying but I'm not 100% sure yeah

Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, so so market cap so market cap in the at the peak of sort of the hobby in 2021 was like a way that a lot of people were sort of trying to say price alone doesn't tell the story of how much a car how much sort of a card is worth or how much it's. Perceive value as the hobby because the population can be very different and so looking at your spreadsheet in particular again like the the Tatum. Well let's just let me try to find like a really good example here. So you have Yog Kitchen Durant that's that that's actually a good example, but it's not going to sort of yield the insight I want let me think of a. Like I've find a better one here. But the idea is basically you want to take you want to learn how much has actually been spent on that card and market cap is just another way saying how much has been spent on that card and you're taking the total you're taking the price and you're multiplying at times the population and you can do that for a single grade but a lot of people will do that for like all grades of a card 2 to be like how much has actually been spent on all.


Ryan _ GemRate
Of the different variations or sort of the different grades of Lebron's you know tops Chrome. Um, oh yeah, so so the idea so why I did this for your analysis here and like what's super interesting about this is you know if you look at this the lowest.

I'm definitely glad I asked you this question because I was way off. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Price person like Paul George is the lowest at $200 but like ja okay, okay, so okay, so let's look at a different player then but like if you look at um pollo who's a 207 but I want to I'm go to compare Apollo to.

Um, that's a tricky one though because he doesn't have a prison rookie card so that was prestige. Yeah yeah.

Yeah, let's do polo. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Jalen Brown okay so Paulo is two hundred and seventy dollars and Jalen Brown is two hundred and twenty two dollars so they're roughly. They're in the ballpark of each other right? You know one 25% less than the other one twenty percent less but they're in the neighborhood and so but the key is. Half as many of those Jalen Browns as there are apollo so one hundred and fifty thousand dollars has been spent on Apollos Psa Ten S Prism silvers and only 61000 isn them spent on Jalen Brown's prism silver psa ten s.


Ryan _ GemRate
And so that sort of helps me understand that so that's the concept of market cap or sort of just like how much spend has been put into these players and so what it tell me is like 1 like there's just not that much enthusiasm or at least Jalen Brown has sort of never sort of gotten over that threshold of being like majorly invested in in this hobby.


Ryan _ GemRate
And pao has probably a lot of hypes still at night and not even a lot of hype but some hypes still built into where he's at. But then you look at somebody like I dont know like maxy and Brunson are also in the $200 range. They've also only have collectively sorry I'm looking at what I wrote on my spreadsheet here. But. You know maxi has 95000 spent against this card and Brunson has 84000 spent on this card so point being is you know you have somebody like pao who's worth you know their spend on their psa Ten s apollo spend is twice as many as any one of those 3 players those 3 players are all half the amount of spend into that market. So what I the way that I read that is.

Yeah, right? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Pao's market probably has some room to drop and then also you know, maybe 1 of those players that I just discussed is underappreciated undervalued in this market. You know, relatively speaking. Um, but that's kind of the idea of market cap and so what I would do to. Finished the thought of what I was saying before is you also want to factor in like the bgs spend on this too because that's a very material part of this story. That's not included when you're only looking at psa tens but like I would also want to look at like how many yanis because like ya oh just to like contextualize this a little bit further because you were saying like let's look at the top of this chart when you look at the market cap or the total amount spend like.

Yeah, one. Yeah, definitely yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Yanna says. So I said Paulo was 150 k honest is nine Hundred Thousand Lebron's four point three million Tatum is six hundred Thousand Yoke just five hundred Thousand Durant 600000 even that's an interesting one like you know, despite the run that yoic is on Durant. Whos obviously like consider like 1 of the all-time. Great scores at this stage is that six hundred Thousand Luca's still two point five million and I know you guys love to talk about Luca on this podcast and so like I just mentioned all you could wrap up every one of those players except for Lebron just to get to Luca and sort of what their valuation is of their prism. <unk> ten market. So I use this data to sort of say like how much is being spent and it doesn't necessarily mean it's how much it's being how much it's going to be worth but it is a good signal of just like who are the players that people that perceive to be collectible and how much is into that market because that could mean either. It's a player that's having a hard time getting over the collectibility threshold of like like jalen brown who's just.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, definitely he's stuck. Yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Second fiddle but like a great player but he can't sort of emerge as somebody. That's super truly collectible in this market because nobody was really invested and we begin with the hobby sort of emerged and he was sort of not necessarily thriving at that time and he was still sort of emerging himself and he just didn't have like a he came up 2016 s not a big year in the hobby.


He came out very raw though I think that was part of it and then I think if you're being practical too then he was one year later immediately overshadowed by Tatum I think that is still where he's at it in my view. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, right, totally totally in a tato market. You know, based on this numbers is you know ten x the Jalen Brown argument I mean the Jalen Brown market which you know maybe that's too wide of a gap I don't know like there's some people who have said that Jalen's outplayed 8 on the last you know. Couple months and so maybe that's just ah, um, opportunity in the market but the key is where I was going with that is like the other challenge you have is somebody when Lucas Market has two point five million invested into it. There's a lot of people who are invested in it and are going to protect it and so they're going to buy cards on the way down to keep the price high or they think they're undervalued relative to like where they've been. And so they continue to sort of like prop up a market. So once you sort of like get this cross this threshold of like you're a super collectible player you you tend to stay there a lot longer than you might otherwise like trey young's the opposite example of like somebody who was in that place and who's sort of fallen off the map but like a lot It's really hard to fall off.

can can I jump in there for 2 seconds so the tray young is actually really interesting because putting my sports card card conspiracy hat on right now there was a lot of rumors going around. There was like a group a group basically dedicated their lives to keeping the prices up.

Ryan _ GemRate
Quickly sure.

Ryan _ GemRate

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, are.

And that to me is really interesting. So he's currently trying at one hundred and sixty eight dollars so clearly they did the best that they could you know to keep the prices up. The other thing that when I see that what it actually makes me think is I don't think this is the the best data. Collection ever and and you've already pointed out some really interesting things but also to it might not always capture the whole picture. So for example, yeah, the tray youngest trading at one hundred and sixty eight dollars but that doesn't mean that every single tray young card is not worth collecting at at a price point like I would. I would stay away from a psa ted but there might be other tray young cards that you know I'd be looking at like the rookie kaboom or a color blast. You talked about those earlier today. So sorry I interrupted you.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, yeah, no no no I love this though this is like the type of analysis that I think is really intriguing but I do like to take it to like the total amount spent as opposed to the price because it's it just sort of reframes how we think about it like. I look at this and I love this data because I'm like oh like James Harden has 60000 spent on him. Um Jalen Brown like I said 60 another really interesting one is Damian Lillard has 60000 spent against his you know psa 10 um Anthony Davis 47000 what where I'm going with that is just like. You can kind of see these players who were relevant but like am super interesting and still are factors in the in the and Mba today. But like they've sort of missed their moment now and like if they're going to have a hard time ever sort of like if you got in today at this price you could see some upside but like they're not going to reach sort of these like. Peaks that some of these other players are like they're never going to approach sort of the amount of spend that you see on like the players with the hype. Obviously so it just speaks to like how much hype plays into this and also sort of like once the shine wears off you get thrown into the second maybe third tier bucket of like you were a super relevant player.


Ryan _ GemRate
For timeframe but like you're not going to sort of stand out and like stand to test the time of being like somebody that's collectible for like 50 years broadly where like it's price appreciation. It's more of like you'll have a collector. You'll have a market of collectors that care. But it's not going to be somebody. That's like a mainstream highly sought after player.


Ryan _ GemRate
Yeah, down the line like James Harden is a perfect example of that for me of like had a lot of Collectibility has a pretty big base actually for some time I think but is not somebody who's going to stand the test of time of like being super collected 15 years from now even though he's gonna be on like he's on the Nba top 75 and like is that type of player. He's not gonna.

So that price of 2728 is at a buy hold or sell view of James Hardard

Ryan _ GemRate
Sort of stand at that the time of my might.

Ryan _ GemRate
So well I get I don't know I'm quick to say that because I don't I'm not like a huge the biggest hardened fan but I just don't think like people like his style of play and like I just think like he doesn't his stats don't support his perception in the hobby or in an Mba culture and so I just think like James Hard is gonna be 1 of these guys were like. Was an era beneficiary in some ways and has never proven himself to be a winner. So like James Harden at Twenty seven hundred bucks if the hobby just stayed neutral and like there's not like gross I would I would not be buying James Harden like long term.

Yeah, So what I want to do Longterm is actually build this out a bit more. So Let's say I'll get it down to 75 players and this is where I was going in my head. This would be good is to like basically use it for prospecting. So Actually who is popular in the community but Hobbywise is not getting the dubbers. So. The one that also stands out to be using that thought process is shen Goodd So Can you use this data to actually Shedgud is very popular at the moment you know.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, ah.

Yeah, so like one point eight million votes currently try to get one hundred and sixty three dollars you know does he have a bit of upside there I think it's tricky buying to big man like I get that but at the same time too I sort of like it for that for me the.

Ryan _ GemRate
Oh yeah, he's on this list. Ah, okay, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Um, but it again Oh sorry cut you off.

The enjoyable part. No no the enjoyable part for me but actually bet this conversation is how that I see one picture and you see a completely different portrait So it's actually making me think I need to add some more columns to this and build this out a little bit more and so yeah I'll definitely be still your ideas right.

Ryan _ GemRate
Well no I love it. This is like this is the stuff though that a level of depth that oftentimes sort of you know gets cut into small segments of like a Youtube clip that you see and it's like that's why people stick to price because it's just easy to digest. But I think like when you zoom out or actually you go deep into the data and you sort of look at like how much is being spent on them. Just think it's a really fascinating story of like shenggoon. For example, 35000 spent against his ah p sa 10 versus like Jimmy Butler only has 30000 spent against his or like you know or somebody else like Anthony Davis 47000 so like basically that's saying like you know shengguon sort of trajectory is sort of. Somewhat similar to Anthony Davis ' in the sense of like that's where he's being priced today and so he's need to he needs to show a career that's going to sort of like surpass that if he wants to continue to sort of appreciate and price like right now I use this to be like is there any sort of world where like shanggu is Goingnna be Anthony Davis quality and if so he's probably reasonably priced today. But like if you want him to really thrive. He's going to have to sort of change his trajectory to be like okay I'm going to be a multi Mvp title winner and then you maybe start to push into like who else is on this like you know, obviously like yo and stuff like that.

So you took the words out of my mouth I think people that prospect on shen gud are saying he's going to be the next yokick. Yeah, that's the I think that's the thought process. They're not thinking about Anthony Davis they you can't the athleticism just isn't there. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? right? right.

Ryan _ GemRate
Right? Yeah and I'm more speaking sort towards like their resume in that in the Nba but yes, like that's where people want Sheng gun to go is to the yokitch dirt or for sure which would mean you know it did'd be a that' be a 20 x still of where he's at today.


Final thoughts. What would you like to talk about before we sign off? yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
That's it This is a pleasure. Always a pleasure. Thanks for letting me nerd out on some of the data. Hopefully it didn put everybody to sleep. But I do think there's a lot of really great data that's becoming more and more accessible this Hoby and if you like to go deep on it like that's my wheelhouse. So I always enjoy being able to talk a little bit more about it.


Please promote something though is this something you want to give a shout out to or your website again. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
You gave me plenty of time. No, you gave me plenty of time people know what I'm doing now if they listened and they made it far enough in so check out universal search you know, save it to your home screen use it at a show or you know trade night. But.

Yeah, yeah.

Ryan _ GemRate
And feel free to where I love feedback. So you know try to send me any improvements that you think could be made to ah Instagram's easyies lot of people like to shoot me messages at Jem rate on Instagram Ryan at is also super easy.

How could we contact you right.

Yeah, great. Thank you so much. Everyone for listening. We really appreciate. It have a wonderful wonderful day. Thanks a lot goodbye. Okay, don't go.